About Akasha Yoga & Therapy
Dru Yoga is a graceful and potent form of yoga, based on soft flowing movements, directed breathing and visualisation.
With its foundations set firmly in ancient yogic tradition, Dru works on body, mind and spirit to rejuventate your whole being.
It improves strength and flexibility, increases core stability, builds a heightened feeling of positivity, and brings deep states of relaxation.
Designed to be practised by people of all abilities, all fitness levels and all age groups, Dru is a style of yoga that can be quickly dipped into or learnt in more depth over a lifetime.
Dru Yoga has its roots in hatha yoga and includes classical yoga postures (asanas), pranayama (breath work), mudras (gestures), positive affirmations, empowering visualisations and powerful, flowing, dynamic sequences.
‘Dru’, an Indian (Sanskrit) word short for Dhruva roughly translates to ‘north star’ and represents the stillness of the stars; our own ‘inner still-point’. In this stillness we are able to sit back from anything that may be happening around us, and see and act from a point of clarity and inner calm.
With its foundations set firmly in ancient yogic tradition, Dru works on body, mind and spirit to rejuventate your whole being.
It improves strength and flexibility, increases core stability, builds a heightened feeling of positivity, and brings deep states of relaxation.
Designed to be practised by people of all abilities, all fitness levels and all age groups, Dru is a style of yoga that can be quickly dipped into or learnt in more depth over a lifetime.
Dru Yoga has its roots in hatha yoga and includes classical yoga postures (asanas), pranayama (breath work), mudras (gestures), positive affirmations, empowering visualisations and powerful, flowing, dynamic sequences.
‘Dru’, an Indian (Sanskrit) word short for Dhruva roughly translates to ‘north star’ and represents the stillness of the stars; our own ‘inner still-point’. In this stillness we are able to sit back from anything that may be happening around us, and see and act from a point of clarity and inner calm.
What Is Unique About dru Yoga?
· Joints are kept relaxed and soft during movement (as in tai chi). This creates flexibility and a free flow of subtle energy.
· Energy Block Release sequences (EBRs) are easy-to-practise, flowing movements that help to release tension physically, mentally and emotionally.
· In Dru Yoga all movements originate from the spine because a flexible, healthy spine supports your entire yoga practice.
· The spinal wave and spinal twist are core features of Dru, enhancing spinal health and vitality.
· A deep understanding of core stability is a major focus.
· Dru Yoga works to balance the chakras (energy centres of the body) and access the powerful energy of the heart.
· Within the flow of movement, Dru Yoga creates powerful moments of stillness which we call ‘Dru points’.
Dru Yoga was created by a group of yoga enthusiasts in the late 1970's. A typical session will include traditional yoga poses like the bridge, downward dog, cobra and so on but its piece de resistance is a focus on positive transformation through rebalancing the ‘chakras’ (the body’s subtle energy systems) and the ‘koshas’, which include our thoughts, feelings and our inner self, making it a subtle yet effective workout.
‘Koshas’ are the five different layers of existence in our lives, our ‘subtle’ nature.
Firstly, there’s ‘Annamaya kosha’; the physical body, then ‘Pranamaya kosha’; the breath, our thoughts; ‘Vijnanamaya Kosha’, which motivates us, then the feeling layer; ‘Manomaya’.
When practising Dru Yoga we bring awareness to this energy system while flowing through the physical movements to help bring us to our ‘stillpoint’ – the fifth kosha, our bliss layer, known as ‘Anandamaya Kosha.
It’s natural for us to hold onto strong emotions after conflict and stressful experiences but if left unresolved these thoughts, feelings and memories can get stuck in the body, potentially creating future, more serious, health problems.
Through conscious breathing, observing thoughts and feelings while flowing through our yoga practice, and introducing positive affirmations and visualisations we can unblock them and restore balance on every level.
In a Dru yoga class you can expect muscle stretches to prepare for the poses thus preventing injury, and awareness of core stability to strengthen postural muscles and a generally therapeutic approach to yoga.
Seven Dru Energy Block Release (EBR) sequences – groups of poses done in Dru Yoga classes – were created for this purpose. They are usually interspersed between warm up movements, known in dru yoga as ‘activations’.
Dru Yoga is often (but not always) accompanied by Dru Meditation which goes further than simply being mindful and accepting of our physical or emotional discomfort. Dru Meditators are encouraged to go deeper and to transform unhelpful thoughts and feelings into positive ones to feel happier, more confident and contented. In other words, the meditative state helps us become ‘master’ of our thoughts, rather than victims, by suggesting positive statements.
These include:
‘I have all the resources I need to achieve my dreams’ – to boost self confidence and trust in our unique abilities.
‘I am calm and capable’ – when overwhelmed by stress.
‘I am loving, lovable and loved’ – for self esteem / improving all relationships.
The Dru style is a great antidote to stress- for beginners, and more advanced yogi’s who want to work with the subtle energy and transformation elements.
· Joints are kept relaxed and soft during movement (as in tai chi). This creates flexibility and a free flow of subtle energy.
· Energy Block Release sequences (EBRs) are easy-to-practise, flowing movements that help to release tension physically, mentally and emotionally.
· In Dru Yoga all movements originate from the spine because a flexible, healthy spine supports your entire yoga practice.
· The spinal wave and spinal twist are core features of Dru, enhancing spinal health and vitality.
· A deep understanding of core stability is a major focus.
· Dru Yoga works to balance the chakras (energy centres of the body) and access the powerful energy of the heart.
· Within the flow of movement, Dru Yoga creates powerful moments of stillness which we call ‘Dru points’.
Dru Yoga was created by a group of yoga enthusiasts in the late 1970's. A typical session will include traditional yoga poses like the bridge, downward dog, cobra and so on but its piece de resistance is a focus on positive transformation through rebalancing the ‘chakras’ (the body’s subtle energy systems) and the ‘koshas’, which include our thoughts, feelings and our inner self, making it a subtle yet effective workout.
‘Koshas’ are the five different layers of existence in our lives, our ‘subtle’ nature.
Firstly, there’s ‘Annamaya kosha’; the physical body, then ‘Pranamaya kosha’; the breath, our thoughts; ‘Vijnanamaya Kosha’, which motivates us, then the feeling layer; ‘Manomaya’.
When practising Dru Yoga we bring awareness to this energy system while flowing through the physical movements to help bring us to our ‘stillpoint’ – the fifth kosha, our bliss layer, known as ‘Anandamaya Kosha.
It’s natural for us to hold onto strong emotions after conflict and stressful experiences but if left unresolved these thoughts, feelings and memories can get stuck in the body, potentially creating future, more serious, health problems.
Through conscious breathing, observing thoughts and feelings while flowing through our yoga practice, and introducing positive affirmations and visualisations we can unblock them and restore balance on every level.
In a Dru yoga class you can expect muscle stretches to prepare for the poses thus preventing injury, and awareness of core stability to strengthen postural muscles and a generally therapeutic approach to yoga.
Seven Dru Energy Block Release (EBR) sequences – groups of poses done in Dru Yoga classes – were created for this purpose. They are usually interspersed between warm up movements, known in dru yoga as ‘activations’.
Dru Yoga is often (but not always) accompanied by Dru Meditation which goes further than simply being mindful and accepting of our physical or emotional discomfort. Dru Meditators are encouraged to go deeper and to transform unhelpful thoughts and feelings into positive ones to feel happier, more confident and contented. In other words, the meditative state helps us become ‘master’ of our thoughts, rather than victims, by suggesting positive statements.
These include:
‘I have all the resources I need to achieve my dreams’ – to boost self confidence and trust in our unique abilities.
‘I am calm and capable’ – when overwhelmed by stress.
‘I am loving, lovable and loved’ – for self esteem / improving all relationships.
The Dru style is a great antidote to stress- for beginners, and more advanced yogi’s who want to work with the subtle energy and transformation elements.
About Rachel Orange (dru Yoga instructor)
Hello friends, I have come from a holistic wellness background originally training in Massage (Swedish, Deep Tissue, Indian Head, and Hot Stone), Reflexology, Emmet Therapy and Reiki. I then went on to learn Access Bars, Holistic Facials, Shaitsu, Thai massage & Sound Healing.
My Yoga teacher training has been a two year journey from 2017-2019 with Dru Yoga in Glasgow Scotland.
I offer classes in the North East and treatments from the Wabi Sabi Studio in Hexham, in the workplace, or a desired setting such as workplace or home.
I work closely with Physiotherapists, Cognitive therapists, Yoga therapists and Healers who can offer you additional treatments, support or advice. I myself can give you nutritional consultation and support alongside you dru yoga sessions to help maintain a healthy system for wellness and clarity of mind, body and soul.
I have a passion for the great outdoors, I loves walking cycling, yoga, meditation, animals and therapeutic massage and I believe in the healing powers of laughter and fun.
If you come to see me for the first time I will spend some time getting to know why you have visited and finding more out about what you want to achieve with your health & lifestyle balance.
I have trained in many techniques and have achieved many skills over a long period of time. I have many regular clients and some that just come to see me for a one off session. I have a lovely treatment space in Hexham I can travel to you and offer you any of the above treatments and/or a 1-2-1 dru yoga session in the comfort of your own home. I also offer yoga classes all of which are advertised on my home page.
I look forward to meeting you and hope your become part of our akasha community.
Hello friends, I have come from a holistic wellness background originally training in Massage (Swedish, Deep Tissue, Indian Head, and Hot Stone), Reflexology, Emmet Therapy and Reiki. I then went on to learn Access Bars, Holistic Facials, Shaitsu, Thai massage & Sound Healing.
My Yoga teacher training has been a two year journey from 2017-2019 with Dru Yoga in Glasgow Scotland.
I offer classes in the North East and treatments from the Wabi Sabi Studio in Hexham, in the workplace, or a desired setting such as workplace or home.
I work closely with Physiotherapists, Cognitive therapists, Yoga therapists and Healers who can offer you additional treatments, support or advice. I myself can give you nutritional consultation and support alongside you dru yoga sessions to help maintain a healthy system for wellness and clarity of mind, body and soul.
I have a passion for the great outdoors, I loves walking cycling, yoga, meditation, animals and therapeutic massage and I believe in the healing powers of laughter and fun.
If you come to see me for the first time I will spend some time getting to know why you have visited and finding more out about what you want to achieve with your health & lifestyle balance.
I have trained in many techniques and have achieved many skills over a long period of time. I have many regular clients and some that just come to see me for a one off session. I have a lovely treatment space in Hexham I can travel to you and offer you any of the above treatments and/or a 1-2-1 dru yoga session in the comfort of your own home. I also offer yoga classes all of which are advertised on my home page.
I look forward to meeting you and hope your become part of our akasha community.